Wednesday, January 22, 2014

An Amazing #Airline CEO!

#blog #avgeek #aviation

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo

You may have seen my 12/31/13 article entitled, "Meet the Dougie Howser, M.D. of the Aviation World" 

In it, I interview an amazing young man who is destined to turn the future wheels and wings of aviation.

He's been to 33 countries, speaks 6 languages, started his own business, created a non-profit to fight corruption, and wrote a book on aviation entitled, Amazing Airlines ($8.99 print, $5.99 ebook on Amazon: . . . 

All before the age of 17!

Many of you have been clamoring for more info on this whiz kid, so below is our interview, "raw and uncut." In addition, I reserved some juicy tidbits to share just with you!

"You can only go as far as you dream."
Cap'n Aux: Do you pronounce your name, “Ah-deet-yah”?

- "Aah-dit-yuh" is how it is pronounced in India, but for everybody else it's usually "Aah-dee-ti-ya)

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo

How old are you now?

- I just turned 17 on December 1. My book was published in August 2012 when I was 15. I began work 2 years before that when I was 13.

I notice that your interest in aviation is more on the “human side.” Bridging the gap of distance via aviation. How, exactly do you envision that happening?

- I would say I'm equally interested in both the technical and human side of aviation. Although I comprehend the basics of the science of flight, I prefer instead to appreciate the magical ability of air transportation to take me anywhere in the world in a matter of hours. The mind-boggling logistics of running an airline efficiently and the incredible technology that permits an aircraft to fly safely never fails to amaze me.

As for bridging gaps via aviation, I think that new airplanes (the 777-9 and the A350 for example) that can fly non-stop around the world will become very important for airlines in the next 5-10 years and will revolutionize the aviation industry.
"New airplanes like the 777 & A350 will revolutionize aviation"
Middle eastern and Asian airlines are already utilizing this strategy of ultra long haul flights using wide bodies because there is a lot of demand for these markets as they join two opposite sides of the globe.

What have you learned about the Airline biz, so far? What would you like to change when you take the reins?

- In a word? Volatile. But a better word would be dynamic. There is always something new going on. I can't really comment though, because my knowledge of airline working are limited to basic terms like "Load factor", "Revenue Miles" and "Yield. I want to learn all about the industry during my undergraduate education.

What do you think of Richard Branson?

- I believe he is a pioneer and and epitomizes hard work because of his rags-to-riches story. His entrepreneurial spirit is inspiring. I'm very excited to see what he's going to introduce next to the aviation industry after Virgin Galactic take off.

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo
What are your thoughts about the recent Airline mergers? Do you expect more in the future? What about opportunities for newer upstarts in the future?

- Airline Mergers have both pros and cons. Airline consolidation can mean less congestion from reduced players in the market and fewer delays resulting in a better overall traveler experience. In that respect, mergers can mean that flights get to their destination on-time and that travelers enjoy more streamlined check-in procedures as compared to codeshares. Also, the larger a company, the more likely it is to survive tough times and bankruptcies, which is good for employees and customers both. Mergers are good for frequent fliers too because the can get an award ticket faster when their miles are pooled. 
"All the world's a video game, with 7 billion players"
On the flip side, mergers will lead to reduced competition in dozens of markets and on routes where the two airlines currently compete for customers. Airlines get a dominant position that its competitors will have a very hard time challenging. Carriers will also have an even greater incentive to raise fares and fees because consumers will have fewer choices. 

It's hard to say if one side outweighs the other, but we're going to see the results sooner or later. And yes, I think there we should expect more mergers in the future.
As for newer upstarts, mergers will give them a chance to enter some airports by making gates or takeoff and landing slots available. Newer airlines which has a much more limited network will ensure stronger price competition.
"If the key doesn't fit, try another door—
or even climb through the window!"
How do you expect to help other children pursue their dreams, aviation and otherwise?

- One of the main purposes of writing the book was to inspire others my age to explore the aviation world. However, I strongly hold that you can only go as far as you dream. I'm going to use a cliche here when I talk about the importance of persistence - if the key doesn't fit, try another door (or even climb in through the window if that's your style).

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo
How can you encourage other teens like yourself to dump the video games, go out there and discover the real world?

- It is important to pursue hobbies, whatever they are. If someone likes video games, well, the real world is effectively a video game too, with 7 billion+ active players and is just waiting to be explored. This "game" is run by the players and all in-game items and rules are determined by players, which means that whatever you want, nobody's going to do it for you. It's up to you to go out into the real world and do everything yourself.
Of course, there are some video games that are hard to resist (I'm looking at you, Flight Simulator) :-)

(Cap'ns Note: Wow, what a brilliant, modern spin on Shakespeare's classic quote, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players"As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII !)
"I particularly like the Boeing 747, because no other single aircraft has contributed to bringing this world closer together."
What are your favorite planes? And what do you think about the newer aircraft of today?

- I find it hard to pick favorites when it comes to planes. I particularly like the Boeing 747, because no other single aircraft has contributed to bringing this world closer together.

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo
You mention in your book that you’d like to be an engineer or a pilot. You would also like to “run an airline” some day. Are you now, or going to soon, take flight lessons? What are your current and future formal studies along any of these lines? What kind of college degree do you want to pursue?

- I am planning to take flying lessons next year, once I am done with my 12th grade final exam (a big thing here in India). I would like to pursue a degree in aeronautical engineering while learning about the business and economical aspects of running an airline at the same time. I am currently in the process of applying to colleges to pursue this further.

What do you think about women in aviation?

- Since the Wright Brothers took flight in 1903, women have made a significant contribution to aviation. I find it wonderful that aviation can be experienced by everyone.

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo
What do you think are the barriers to women and minorities?

- I can't think of any - a testament to the fact that if you enjoy flight, the sky is the limit!

What are some things you think most Airline could improve on?

-  Airlines could improve on on-time arrivals, fewer cancellations, delivering checked baggage, honoring reservations (not bumping), and resolving customer complaints successfully. Of course, not all of these are practically possible.
"I find it wonderful that aviation can be experienced by everyone."
What are your thoughts on Airline safety and security? Can they be improved upon?

- I'm no expert, but I believe airlines are doing their best to ensure passengers fly safely. Flight attendants and pilots are highly trained.  While there have been incidents of cutting corners in maintenance and otherwise, it is always in an airline's best interest to offer a safe product due to today's increased competition between carriers.

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo

I remember you had started an organization trying to end corruption. Could you fill us in on that?

- Corruption is a menace that has plagued India ever since independence.

In September 2011, Anna Hazare, a social crusader, ignited a spark that motivated millions of citizens to fight against corruption.

As the national movement gained momentum, I noticed that many people had experienced corruption firsthand but did not have a tool to report it to the authorities.

Aditya's "Corruption Free India" gave India its first tool
to report corruption anonymously
aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo

I decided to create “Corruption Free India,” the country’s first tool that allowed any citizen to report corruption anonymously via SMS.

You can view more details and the actual website at

The most important item in Aditya's travel bag:
Reconciliation that plans will change!

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo
You have traveled extensively around the world. If you had only 10 things to carry around your bag, what would they be? What are the top most important things?

- Passport (I love "collecting" visa stamps)
- Camera (Documenting moments is important during a trip)
- Local guidebook (Local cuisine, off the beaten path spots, etc)
- Money (You'd get nowhere without it)
- Phone (Never know when you need help)
- A device to access the internet (More of a convenience rather than a necessity)
- Clothes
- A sense of adventure and a lot of flexibility (You can't pack this)
- Reconciliation to the fact that plans will change (The most important thing, IMO)

Pack all of these and you'll enjoy your trip!

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo
If another teen like you has the same interest in aviation, what are ways for him/her to best experience flying?

- I've been lucky enough to travel to 33 countries so I have taken a lot of flights. I would suggest them to take flying lessons (which I am planning to take in 2014) and grab every opportunity to travel on flights. Books, movies and simulators are also a great way to experience flying without really being in the air.

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo

What’s the BEST airline you’ve flown on? Worst? Why?

- I particularly enjoy the experience on board Middle Eastern and Asian airlines like Emirates and Singapore airlines. And I don't have specific "best" or "worst" airlines because I'm too busy with the other aspects of the flight to mind :-)

What makes an “Amazing” Airline?

- An amazing airline is one that offers the right mixture of safety and passenger experience, which is very hard in today's tough times. Most carriers today cut down on passenger experience to combat rising fuel prices and keep travelers safe.

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo
You have some great shots of yourself in the cockpit, chatting up the pilots. How do you approach the crew to be able to do this?

- On each trip I have taken, I have always talked to the pilots and the crew about our common interest in aviation. A lot of them see their own enthusiasm in me and we find it very easy to connect. I just need to be patient after a flight and wait for everyone to deplane, though :-)

Aditya, you can join me on the Flight Deck any time!

aditya palnitkar, avgeek, aviation, cap'n aux, blog, airline, ceo
Photo Courtesy of

*Special thanks to Bunny for coming up with many of these great questions to ask our hero!

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      1. LOL, no kidding, eh Ron? We gotta hop to it!

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