Saturday, May 4, 2013

Interlude: May the Fourth Be With You!

Special Note!  Beginning Monday, May 6th...

Hotlinks to sites:
05.06.13 iFLYblog - Brent Owens (Intro Post)
05.07.13 Flight to Success - Karlene Petitt 
05.08.13 Adventures of Cap’n Aux - Eric Auxier
05.09.13 House of Rapp - Ron Rapp
05.10.13 Airplanista - Dan Pimentel
05.11.13 Smart Flight Training - Andrew Hartley
05.12.13 iFLYblog - Brent Owens

And now, in honor of "Unofficial Star Wars Day," Cap'n Aux Presents...

"These are a few of my fa-vorite Captains"

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Folks, as you may know, May the Fourth has become "unofficial Star Wars Day" in, "May the Fourth be with you!"
Wiki, May the Fourth Day:

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Jedis start their training young!

In that vein, I'd like to celebrate by mentioning A few of...

My Favorite Sci Fi & Cinema Cap'ns

—some good role models, some bad.  But all cool!

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Let's start with the obvious, shall we?
Perhaps the most famous rogue captain in the galaxy is that loveable pirate-pilot,
the ever-dashing scoundrel, Han Solo.

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Cap'n Han Solo, scoundrel and all-around anti-hero hero

Headstrong and cocky, he nevertheless found a way, however unconventional, to get things done.

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And he could pilot his interstellar bucket 'o bolts, the Millenium Falcon,
as easily as bulls-eyeing womp rats on Tatooine!

...But he'd better take Chewee!

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Another, shall we say, highly asservtive captain, is that of the Firefly-class smuggler ship Serenity, of Joss Whedon's TV series Firefly and movie Serenity (Wiki:

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Cap'n Malcomb Reynolds, space cowboy
Recognize him?  Yes, before he became that famous wimpy crime writer in the eponymous TV series CastleNathan Fillion (Wiki: played one of my all-time favorite screen characters, the goram baddest-ass space cowboy in the 'verse, Captain Malcomb Reynolds!

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One of cinema's original starship captains was the straight-laced, no-nonsense overachiever,
Commander John J. Adams of the United Planets Cruiser C57-D.

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Cap'n John J. Adams, better know n as...

Look familiar?

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The movie, 1956 Forbidden Planet (Wiki:, also famous for introducing Robbie the Robot (Wiki:, the first piece of mobile metal brimming with personality, and precursor to those famous misfit droids you aren't looking for.

cap'n aux, blog, airline, aviation, avgeek, star wars, jedi

But I digress.  The actor?  You know him from one of the most beloved aviation movies of all time—1980 Airplane! (Wiki:!) Again, he plays a no-nonsense character.
But don't call him Shirley!

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cap'n aux, blog, airline, aviation, avgeek, star wars, jedi


Speaking of Airplane! the movie, you ever been in a Turkish prison?
Yes, I'm talking about that other zany ship's comander, Captain Roger Over.
I'll let him speak for himself...

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Another zany one, the most bass-ackward excuse for a Captain, either the best or the worst pirate in history,
is Cap'n Jack Sparrow of the Black Pearl.

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Cap'n Jack Sparrow, of the Black Pearl

Johnny Depp has a way of turning cliche into epic, and Cap'n Jack is one memorable pirate!  

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And, in his own queer way, Jack Captained his vessel with the best of 'em!  You savvy, Mate?!

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No cinematic Captain's seniority list would be complete without the requisite nod to Star Trek's (Wiki: venerable icons.

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

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Cap'n Jean-Luc Picard, of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D

Assertive, yet diplomatic, egalitarian yet unquestionably in charge,
he trusted his crew and always stepped up to the task at hand.
Yes, that Frenchman with an English accent is, IMHO, the closest fictional character to the ultimate, ideal Cap'n!

Happy May the Fourth Day!

But the true, undisputed baddest-ass starship Captain of all time is,
 of course. . . .

William Shatner as
Captain James T. Kirk!

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Cap'n James Tiberias Kirk, of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701

I—mean—where—woud we—be—without the—signature—Shatneresque—acting—style and—speech?! (Shatneresque Urban Dictionary:

chris pine, cap'n aux, blog, airline, aviation, avgeek, star wars, jedi

And speaking of Captain Kirk, the new guy (Chris Pine) ain't too bad, neither!

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Hey, hey, pipe down, Bill!  You're still the baddest Cap'n of 'em all!

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And May the Fourth (& 5th) Be With You!

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And speaking of 5ths, now I'm off to get a little Cap'n in me....

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Oh, and PS:  Happy Birthday, Karlene!

Related Link:
Here's a great article about the qualities of a Cap'n, comparing Kirk and "The Office"'s Krazinski. 

It's full of insight and Cap'n Aux-style humor, by Jean Marcellin:
(& here on Cap'n Aux May 8th @ 11am)
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Hotlinks to sites:
05.06.13 iFLYblog - Brent Owens (Intro Post)
05.07.13 Flight to Success - Karlene Petitt 
05.08.13 Adventures of Cap’n Aux - Eric Auxier
05.09.13 House of Rapp - Ron Rapp
05.10.13 Airplanista - Dan Pimentel
05.11.13 Smart Flight Training - Andrew Hartley
05.12.13 iFLYblog - Brent Owens

Posting May 20th @ 11:00 PHX:
Cap'n Aux answers readers' Q's—Part IV, 2.0

airbus, airline, pilot, aviation, avgeek, blog, novel, best seller, capnaux, cap'n aux

YOUR Q's, the final round!

Sample Questions:
—What was the funniest thing that ever happened to you on a flight?
—Have you flown any celebrities?





  1. Dammit Cappy it's gonna take me till the next 4th to get through.........;)))))))
    kk where WUZ I.............

    1. Better read fast--a flurry of posts coming up this month, starting with "Blogging in Formation" all week long! ;-)

    2. In the UK we list dates by DAY.MONTH.YEAR unlike the states which as you know is MONTH.DAY.YEAR - this causes me no end of confusion as I thought the Blogging In Formation was on the 5th of each month till Christmas rather than daily in May!! LOL!

      Oh well, I say Tomahto, you say Tomayto......

    3. May the 4th of May be with you, Young Skywalker!

  2. Haha!

    D'you know, I imagine the best part of this post was concluded before it was written - in those hours sat in a local hostelry discussing which Cap'ns should make the list (you know the conversations, like which can swim faster - a horse or a dog??)

    Disappointed not to see a pic of a bufont haired Capn Aux from the eighties included in the list!

    Thanks for the interlude and May the Fourth be with you all! :)

    1. Haha, true Dave, though the conversation was with myself...thinking about whom I liked and why...'twas a lot of fun to put together!

      Perhaps I'll find another excuse to include "Cap'n 80's Hairdo" in a near future post! :D

  3. Thank you for the birthday wish! And...the laughter. I love the airplane movies. Never can get enough of those clips.

    1. Yes, you can't go wrong posting old Airplane! jokes and scenes, lol! It never ceases to amaze me how Hollywood can F up the realities of airliners...and a parody movie knows it so well it can lampoon it!

      Once again, Happy Birthday!

  4. A nice Star Wars interlude, but (ahem) not quite my thing. (While seeing the original release many years ago, I think I slept through most of it.

    On Another Subject... I think our very own Capt. Aux made a cameo appearance in a National Geographic special about the development and building of Boeing's 747-8. I wish that I could provide a complete link, but I cannot. The full video is on YouTube and runs about 45 minutes. At 5:02 - 5:05, there is a shot of pax and crews moving through some unknown airport. If that four-stripe fellow with the flashy, flag tie on the right is not Capt. Aux, it must be his identical cousin, also in a captain's uniform. What say you, Capt. Auxier?

    And heck yes, Happy Birthday wishes to our friend Karlene. (If pilots rode the left seat on merit, not seniority, Karlene would have added her fourth strip years ago. She is one sharp woman and a heck of a good writer to boot.)

    I look forward to the next chapter of your Q&A session. Good stuff. -C.

    1. Haha Cedarglen,

      "Jaws was never my scene, and I don't like Star Wars"—Queen

      Surprised you brought that up! Yes, it was indeed me in that vid! I recognized my crew from that week! I posted about it here:

      Here here to Karlene's merit as well! Thanks for the comment :)

    2. "You say black, I say white" - Jeesh thanks Eric, I have an earworm now!!!

      Dave W

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Repeat after me:

      "I see a little silhouetto of a man,
      Scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the Fandango-
      Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me-
      Galileo Galileo
      Galileo figaro-Magnifico-"


  5. OK, found the link to the National Geographic B747-8 video with Capt. Aux.'s cameo... Go for it. -C.

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Sorry, folks, due to more spamming, Word Verification is back on. If you have trouble posting, please email your comments to me and I will post it for you!