Saturday, February 9, 2013

Interlude: Philippines Flight Track!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Cap'n Speaking, from the flight deck—

Oh, wait, I'm not ON the flight deck, I'm a passenger!

Folks, as mentioned in my previous "Best of 2012" post, I'm taking February off to explore the Philippines!

A bunch of folks over on my Cap'n Aux Facebook page, as well as on are gonna have a blast flight tracking me.  Join them over there, or simply call up or your fav' tracking site and join in on the fun!

Flight Details

PR 105 (Philippine Air Lines flight 105), Departing KSFO (San Francisco Int'l) to RPLL/MNL (Manila Int'l)
Equipment: Boeing 747-400
Departing: Saturday, Feb. 9, 2013 @ 21:25 PST (Pacific Standard Time)
Arriving: Monday (Yes, TWO days later!) Feb. 11, 2013 @ 05:20 PHT (Local Philippines time)
POSSIBLE Fuel Stop: PGUM 02:41-04:05 ChST (Guam Local Time)


1.) Will Cap'n Aux make the flight?
I'll be flying STAND BY...that is, if there's a seat left after all revenue passengers are on, I'll get a seat! If not...I'll be BUMPED to the next day!
Right now, odds look good...flight is underbooked.  Cross your fingers!

2.) Will we need to stop in PGUM for fuel?
If winds are favorable, the flight crew may elect to continue non-stop to MNL!

Will Cap'n Aux find the perfect pilot watch in the streets of Manila?

Long time readers of my blog will recall my hilariously harrowing post, "The Girl, the Sold Watch and Everything," about my misadventure searching for the perfect pilot's watch in the streets of Thailand. watch done went 'n died this month, so here comes the sequel!

When I return, I plan on doing a blog post and video of all my adventures, which SHOULD include a visit to the B-747 cockpit to schmooze with my PR counterparts!

In the meantime, to whet your appetite, here's a couple AWESOME vids I found!

This is just a HOOT from beginning to end!

Black Eyed Peas "Take me to the Philippines"

"This is the Philippines" - music by Temper Trap.  You'll love the beginning, with the plane on approach and landing in MNL!

Speaking of Temper Trap, check out their Official Video, which looks like they're landing on a runway at night, followed by a wild Space Trek!


After touchdown, I'll do my best to keep you posted daily on my Philippines adventure, so stay tuned on my Cap'n Aux Facebook Page ( via Twitter (@Capnaux)!

(A reminder to all would-be burglars:  Vicious attack cat Tarzan remains on duty prowling my premesis, as does my teen son, 6'3", 230lb, Kickboxing & Glock handgun specialist Tim!)

Posting Feb 13 @ 12:00 PHX:

A Special Valentine's Vlog

A Love Story in (and of) the Sky!


Posting in March!

Cap'n Aux interviews future airline pilot Swayne!

(For a preview, Check out Swayne's blog of flight training adventures over at


  1. Replies
    1. Hey, great to hear from you, Izdiher at !!!


  2. If Capn Aux finds a watch like that on the streets of Manilla - bring an extra back and in FLL - I'll pay for it!! :)

    Happy trip - and blue skies!!!

    1. Haha ur on!! Might help me get a better bargain lol!

      PS--made it to SFO! Now waiting to check in at PR...

  3. Yes... you'll make your flight. And when you get that watch, make sure it's really, really big~ And Make Mark's big too. Have fun!

    1. Haha Karlene, it seems really, really BIG watches are all the rage--that's all I can find here! Silly, gaudy things--the saga continues!

  4. Hey Cappy,

    Thailand and now the Phillipines, is this a bucket list or another reason for your Far East adventure...?

    Have a great time - you'll probably still be there while I am Twotter spotting in the Maldives reading your tome!

    All the best and have a great vaca, I know I will

    Dave W

    1. Well Dave, I like all things Asian, and there's LOTSA places left to see...but reality is I and my Filipina gf had the same vacation weeks off, so it worked out well!

      I'd love to see some Maldive Twotter pics--used to fly them in the Virgin Islands--post 'em some time. And get a pic of you reading my book on the beach!!!

  5. Hey Cappy......Well you made style..........and those who want to know more........can visit your F/B page......(yea like I know WTF about F/B).....or .please come
    where you can get every nitty gritty dirty detail....that Cappy was sweet enough to share with us all!!!!......and there's the 'saga' of the watch.....please I haven't got the strength to talk about the 'watch' right's just too....(TEARS).......looking forward to what that Cappy.....shares with us...!!!

    1. Haha thanks for chiming in Miss T! Yes u did and AWESOME post for the flight track over there, n Cappy is more than aware that Miss T is breatheless w/anticipation over the new saga of the watch LMAO!

  6. With all due respect to your son, I think any would-be burglars should fear the cat. That is one mean looking mo-fo. I wouldn't mess with him.

    I know you're flying standby ... any chance for an upgrade?

    Good luck on the Rolex hunt!

    1. Thanks Craig--sorry for the tardy reply! Couldn't do so on the road.

      T-man guarded the home well! Got bumped a coupla times on standby, no upgrades. But, my gf knew the crew both ways (she's a former Phil. Air FA), so we got lotsa perks! :-)

      Also: she surprised me with a spiffy new Casio watch--the perfect pilot's watch!

  7. This is a great post! I am glad that you were able to make the flight and I love the photos! I am so glad to see that you will be interviewing Swayne in March - I will be looking forward to it!!

    PS, I am an animal lover but rest assured I will not come close to Tarzan in attack mode!

    Best, Jeremy | | @CaptainAboard

    1. Thanks, Jeremy, at!

      Working on Swayne's interview as we speak. Should be a good one!

      Haha Tarzan's happy to have his daddy back, so now he's in lovin' mood, for anyone who wants to visit, LOL!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This is a great post! I am glad that you were able to make the flight and I love the photos! I am so glad to see that you will be interviewing Swayne in March - I will be looking forward to it!!

    1. Haha, thanks Dubai...but this post is a year old. I interviewed Swayne Last March, LOL! ;-)

  10. Ohhh..really...grate...have fun and very enjoy....thanks for the nice post.

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  12. This is quite helpful . Thank you so much for this article . I always learn something new from your posts. I like your idea of learning Philippines Vlog . Looking forward for more such articles.


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