#blog #avgeek #aviation #ATC
Second, I would tour his ATC TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control) facility, co-located with Phoenix Tower, in the heart of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.
There, I went through their X-ray scanner and i.d. check. Security at this facility is even tighter than at TSA checkpoints!
Our story so far:
Blog buddy and Phoenix Air Traffic Controller Brian Bond contacted me via my Cap'n Aux Facebook page (facebook.com/CapnAux). We quickly decided to trade tours of each other's jobs.
First, Brian would ride on my cockpit jumpseat during a live flight (see my previous post, Part I, here.)
Second, I would tour his ATC TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control) facility, co-located with Phoenix Tower, in the heart of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.
I met Brian at the security guard booth for the Controller's parking lot, in between Terminals 3 and 4.
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KPHX Sky Harbor International Airport. |
Out with the old, in with the new!
From Wiki: The airport's current 326-foot (99-meter) tall air traffic control tower began operations on January 14, 2007. The tower stands just east of the Terminal 3 parking garage, and also houses the Phoenix TRACON. This is Sky Harbor's fourth control tower and is among the tallest control towers in North America.
Speaking of security, I was informed that no recorded media inside the facility would be allowed. I could only take photos of the view outside the Control Tower itself. Therefore, all interior photos below were from online sources. But I still got some great shots for you!
Our tour began at Level 2, PHX TRACON, which stands for Terminal Radar Approach Control. In short, Controllers here direct aircraft to and from Phoenix airspace. From there, they are often handed of to ARTCC, or Air Route Traffic Control Centers, which are regional facilities controlling multi-state air space. To the west, it's Los Angeles Center; east: Albuquerque Center; north: Salt Lake Center; south into Mexico, Mazatlan Center.
Modern TRACONs are set up in a circle. The supervisors sit in the Center and help coordinate Departure and Approach controllers, and assist during emergencies. Even in today's hi-tech age, a data runner stands by to physically hand-deliver some flight info to various controllers.
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I snuck a pic in the john though. Ha, take that! I'm such a rebel. |
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Shot of Norcal TRACON, very similar to PHX TRACON. |
Departure and Approach controllers sit at scopes around the perimeter. Typically, there are several initial approach controllers, and one or two final controllers. But airports have rush hours, too, and during high volume times, staffing and sectors will increase.
Now, how does it all work? Let's put it together.
Let's say you're Major Tom, a Cap'n for Oddity Airways . . .
Today you are operating Flight 123 from LAX to PHX. Your sequence of ATC facilities would go like this:
- Halfway to KPHX, Los Angeles Center hands you off to Albuquerque Center.
- Just after starting your downhill run into KPHX from cruise altitude, about 30 miles out, Albuquerque Center hands you off to Phoenix Approach Control.
- Somewhere within 10-15 miles or so of the airport, Phoenix Approach will hand you off to the Final Controller.
- Somewhere around 5-10 miles or so, the Final controller hands you off to Tower Control, who clears you to land.
- After pulling off the runway, Tower hands off Major Tom to Ground Control. (You saw that one coming, didn't you!)
- Ground Control hands off Major Tom off to Ramp Control, (unless your circuit's dead, and there's something wrong! Can you hear me, Major Tom?)
Notice that, at all times during your flight, you are in "positive contact" with radar controllers who separate you from other aircraft. Except for a few spots in North America—mostly in Alaska, or enroute over the Pacific to Hawaii—you are always in "positive" radar and radio contact.
Unless, of course, you really are Major Tom, in which case you're pretty much screwed. . .
Some really cool radar scopey pics, of which I have no clue . . .
Phoenix TCA, "Class B" airspace—the area PHX TRACON controls:
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Next came our tour of Floor 20—that is, Phoenix Tower! I'll let the pics speak for themselves:
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Stock pic of a modern Control Tower |
. . . and my pics.
Above: looking East; Below: looking West
Here's a YouTube vid of pics from the day before the tower's opening.
Not much to add, but you can see a few more things here:
Direct Link: http://youtu.be/airkfutQxks
Just because it's so fun, here's astronaut Chris Hadfield singing David Bowie's Space Oddity while "floating in his tin can"—in orbit on the ISS! (17.5 million hits? Man, wish MY vids got that many! Guess I gotta launch into orbit!):
Direct Link: http://youtu.be/KaOC9danxNo
Link to David Bowie's original, 1969 video: http://youtu.be/D67kmFzSh_o
...and a link to Bowie's "new, improved" version: http://youtu.be/uhSYbRiYwTY
I've had a lot of great feedback from this 2-part series, and here's a couple of the most fascinating questions:
"What impressed or surprised you as you saw your job through the controller's eyes, and as you toured the ATC facility? How do you think the experience will affect you going forward?"
—Rick W.
Cap'n Aux:
From what I gathered, Brian really got a kick out of being in the cockpit with us! I imagine things moved pretty fast for him, because as a GA pilot, he's used to flying planes going a fraction of the speed. Also, it was a hoot when he recognized a couple of the controllers on the radio. I was tempted to tell them we had him on board, but you can't get too chatty on an open mike!
Ultimately, while we had a blast, I think Brian is glad he took the career path he did. He still enjoys recreational flying, and knows that many airline pilots get "burned out" on the job.
My impressions are a bit tougher to nail down, as I have visited ATC and Tower facilities in the past--quite a long time ago, but no real surprises for me. I suppose what impressed me the most is the advancement in technology from the "old days." The accuracy of the scopes, the information available, and the manipulations they can do are pretty incredible. Sort of like upgrading from a Commodore 64 to a Mac Pro!
Also, ATC is a very big, very dark, very silent room. Almost eerie that way. "Like a morgue," as one reader put it. Still, as we walked around the perimeter, we could hear some bantering going on between controllers sitting next to each other. All in all, it seemed to be quite a casual and relaxed atmosphere for them.
Could I be comfy doing his job? Good question. We couldn't use the ATC simulators, which I was hoping to do, but I imagine I would have been every bit as overwhelmed as he would feel flying my sim!
How will this experience affect me, going forward? I certainly have been able to put a "human face" to the voices on the other side of the mike. I think it has left me with both a newfound respect for their jobs and challenges, and a willingness to be more "compliant" with their directives. Sometimes, we pilots feel as if the controller is "trying to fly the plane for us," and it can get annoying. But I see that there are always reasons behind what they do—separation requirements, mostly, and we as pilots have to learn to NOT take it personally!
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Related Cap'n Aux Posts:
- The Cap'n & the Controller—Part I: http://capnaux.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-capn-controllerpart-i.html
- Around the World in 80 Jumpseats: http://capnaux.blogspot.com/2013/06/around-world-in-80-jumpseats-surprise.html
- UFO! Cap'n Aux Investigates the "Mysterious Phoenix Lights": http://capnaux.blogspot.com/2013/08/ufo-capn-aux-investigates-phoenix-lights.html
- The Future of U.S. Aviation: http://capnaux.blogspot.com/2013/07/happy-4th-future-of-us-aviation.html
Related Links:
- NYCAviation—A visit to JFK Tower: http://www.nycaviation.com/2013/11/how-ya-doin-visiting-newarks-faa-control-tower/
- NY Times article on ATC, the inspiration for the movie, "Pushing Tin": http://www.nytimes.com/1996/03/24/magazine/something-s-got-to-give.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm
- PHX Control Tower—Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_traffic_control_tower
- PHX TRACON FB page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Phoenix-TRACON/111714878885902
- TRACON Wiki (Air Traffic Control): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_traffic_control
- ARTCC Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_Control_Center
- ARTCC "Disambiguation": http://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/ARTCC
- Listen to ATC feed live at your favorite airport: http://www.liveatc.net
- Wiki on Bowie's classic song, Space Oddity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Oddity_(song)
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Departing Sunday, September 29
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Sun 29th: House of Rapp - Ron Rapp
Mon 30th: iFLYblog - Brent Owens
Tues Oct 1: Adventures of Cap’n Aux - Eric Auxier
Wed Oct 2: Flight to Success - Karlene Petitt
Thu Oct 3: Smart Flight Training - Andrew Hartley
Mon 30th: iFLYblog - Brent Owens
Tues Oct 1: Adventures of Cap’n Aux - Eric Auxier
Wed Oct 2: Flight to Success - Karlene Petitt
Thu Oct 3: Smart Flight Training - Andrew Hartley
Fri Oct 4: Airplanista - Dan Pimentel
Cap'n Aux post: , Tues, Oct 1 @ 00:30 PHX
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It looks like this:
See? Right down below this line!
Nice record of the visit!!! Next time you are down this way - I'll have to take you around our factory - parts manufacturing/repairs - can get you up close and personal with a JT8-D combustion chamber or a stagef 3 turbine blade :) Total #avgeek :)
ReplyDeleteOh, wow, Mark, I did not realized that's what you do! That sounds fascinating, and would make a great blog post for everybody! :D
DeleteTRACON was also one of the coolest games ever on the C-64. I wish they had something like it today! :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I never played that, but it sounds cool!
DeleteI vaguely remember something similar to it on the original Apple Mac, and now they have a pretty snazzy iPad app out. I know lots of pilots who are addicted to it, LOL!
Funny you mention the C-64. I just added an "addendum" to the post (at the bottom) that mentions it!
Thanks for your comment, Chuck!
Really cool post! I've recently come over from the UK and i'm at a training collage based at KFFZ, Keep up the good work, you may end up passing above me when i'm coming into Flacon :)
DeleteEric, this is awesome! I think we forget about the support team that keeps it all going. Our support. Thank you for a great write up. And... I love Chris Hadfield's video. So inspiring. You watch and listen and know where he is... it's just so powerful. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Karlene!
DeleteThere's so many unsung people behind the scenes that go into the making of a safe flight--ATC is just the first ones "behind the curtain!" ;-)
And, ya, you can't beat a classic song performed in orbit!!
Dearest "Captain Major Tom"..........Love it........and you getting to live my 'Dream' of one day..........doing windows.....in a tower.......on the 20th floor......You did give them my Aviation Geek "Manifesto".......??!!!!!!....Love the tour.......by two Handsome devils......and your explaining.......how the operation goes on.......day to day.........the pics out of the tower are so clear.........What a lovely sight......those runways.......!!
ReplyDeletethe tower pic with the 'Contrail' in background is now my screensaver......
and what with the dear john'...pic, how come when you and Brien are together.......your ridiculously.........close to a toilet.......Mmmm.........sure your not a "Janitor".....???!!!.....
OkOk...........anyway Love the post........Cappy.........I recognized a lot of what you explained as I listen to my live ATC at JFK..........or where ever my fav pilots may be heading......Kinds gives a new meaning to being a "AIR HEAD"............Ha Ha.......Thanks as always.........for taking the time.....and effort.........Part 2 was number 1 for me............
your most rabbit fan.............MissTWA........Safe flights Cappy.........♠
Hi Miss T! I could swear I answered this earlier...better late than never!
DeleteSo glad you like the pics! Yes, the tower's quite impressive from below! And thought you'd like my "potty humor!" Glad you enjoyed the post, and helped for your ATC eavesdropping!
And you can listen in any time!!
Yes its very impressive to see the pics. I came across a list of 10 tallest air traffic control towers in the world featured in an aviation site. Hope you shall enjoy it
ReplyDeleteyour blog Provides things are helps me to find my detail. your blog is very good for me please keep it up.I like it
ReplyDeleteVisit :- Flight Controller
It’s refreshing to read a good quality article for a change. You’ve made many interesting points and I agree. This has made me think and for that I thank you.
ReplyDeleteVisit: Flight Controller
Parking's controller near the terminals is actually need of an airport. It helps travellers to park their car safely at a parking lot.
ReplyDeleteGatwick park and ride
It would be an excited feeling while travelling in such a huge plane especially for a long journey. Thanks!
ReplyDeletemeet and greet at heathrow